Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Mid Spring

 It is the season for egg laying. Have you seen one like this on the ground yet? 

One year ago at the end of April we started our laying flock again with newborn chicks. ISA Browns in case you are interested. Now they have been laying eggs for our use for many months.

Have you been noticing the fields and fields of dandelions lately? I love seeing them in huge quantities because they are a good source of early pollen and nectar for our honey bees. Let them bloom if you can in your area.

The Red Bud trees have been teasing us for a while with a little bit of color but now they are in full bloom in all of their glory. Honey bees go to them, too. I like seeing them along with the Dogwoods.

The Flowering Crabs are putting on a show now, too. They can be amazing! One tree is like a field of blossoms in the same location for a honey bee or other pollinator.

 It is fun to see the May Apples coming up again and unfurling their leaves. I have not seen one blooming yet but it won't be long now.

It would be a tough spring to be in the orchard business with all the frosts and freezes we have had this year. I love to eat Michigan apple, and sweet cherries are a favorite fruit of mine, so I am hoping for a crop in spite of the weather.


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