Friday, July 23, 2021

Summers Go Fast


I saw my first goldenrod yesterday at one of my bee yards. Yikes! That is a sign of the end of summer! Okay, relax, we always get early goldenrod blooming about the third week of July.

In the video below, listen for the oriole I spotted while on a recent walk. I enjoy the oriole's song.

 In the video above, watch an osprey soaring as it hunts for fish. I was doing the same--hunting for fish.

I do not know what bird makes the sound recorded in the above video. If you have a guess, please email me at

We provided a honey bee program for a library at a park along the grand river. So, once we were set up and ready, I walked ten feet to the river's edge and caught a small mouth bass. Fun mixing pleasure and pleasure. I love talking about honey bees and fishing
Mmmm good! Fresh caught that same morning. These fillets were marinated in mead and spices and grilled and very tasty. Sometimes fish taste a little muddy in mid summer but these were excellent. There are large mouth bass, bluegill, and perch shown here.

Check out our Thornapple Woodlands, LLC youtube channel to watch me fillet these fish. 

We are slowly being allowed to do indoor programs again. I hope this continues. It is such a thrill speak about things I enjoy.


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