Monday, March 7, 2022

A True Fish Story (It happened to me)


 I wondered if I was losing it. Not a mind. I was fishing with dad and had just pulled up bluegill number 25. It was a dandy and as I took it into my left hand and reached with my right to grab the lure and unhook it, my eyes went to my ice fishing hole where the white foam float of my depth finder was supposed to be floating. It wasn't! It was going down the hole below the surface of the water. My mind said my fish had twisted my line around the cable and was swimming down with it. But, my left hand said otherwise since it still held that bluegill. My right hand reached for the transducer cable which I pulled. I felt a fish pulling back for about 2 seconds. My mind said that cannot be true. I still am not sure it can be true. But, I found a story on the internet (gotta be true) of a guy who caught a 50 inch muskie on his transducer. It is one of my strangest experiences ever while ice fishing.

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A True Fish Story and More

Okay, folks, this is a story that I would find hard to believe. But, it happened to me! And now....the rest of the story. (I miss Paul Harve...