Monday, April 25, 2022

Walking and Seeing......

My favorite part of the day is when I get to go for a walk. Hmmm. Do I remind you of your dog?! It is nice when my wife can join me, but I enjoy walking alone, too. I don't want to listen to music or a book while I walk. That reminds me.....I know a doctor who used to walk and read a book at the same time. I have seen my mom do the same occasionally. That's not for me. I want to see, hear, smell and enjoy the nature around me. This is usually a pleasant time of year for walking since it is not hot weather and the wildflowers are just starting to show their beauty. 

This was a rare warm day in the 70 degree range and we saw two different Garter Snakes out sunning themselves.

My broom handle walking stick is pointing at our first Trout Lily blossom of the season.

The dainty little blossoms being pointed out by the toe of my shoe are hairy bittercress. I have read that when the seed pods "ripen" and are disturbed (by walking through them, for example) they can hurl their seeds up to 16 feet. I know I don't like to walk in the area when the pods are ready to pop open because I can hear the seeds being hurled as I walk in their midst.

The green broad leaf you see is skunk cabbage. The blossom stage is past and now the leaves are coming up. If you break a leaf and smell it you will know why it is called skunk cabbage.


Marsh marigold is a springtime favorite of mine. It seems to like wet feet, often growing in or very near the water.

The circle indicates a marsh marigold plant budding and not yet blossoming.

I took a more distant picture of the pussy willows to show that they are blooming. Previously they have just been the fuzzy gray we all love to see in a vase indoors reminding us of early springtime. These are just beyond that fuzzy gray stage and are in bloom. As I took the picture I realized the honey bees were working the blooms, so I straddled the ditch so I could get closer and show the honey bees. Zoom in on this picture and you will see the pollen on the bee's back legs! It is the same color pollen I have been seeing bees bring into my hives. So, now I have a good idea what kind of pollen the bees have been bringing in. I like to know such things as a beekeeper and as a nature enthusiast.

The two pictures above show the honey bee working the blossoms and gathering pollen to bring back to her hive. Pollen is used to feed to the larvae inside the hive. It is a source of protein. 

What a blessing to be able to walk and enjoy nature! Thanks for enjoying it with me.

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