Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Lazy Hazy Days

 I have decided that The Lazy Hazy Days of Summer is a total misnomer. The days of summer are busy and fly by every year. And they fly faster as I get older. Enjoy!

We have been to several locations to speak about honey bees already this summer. Check out this library in Linden, MI. It is an old mill house. What a setting. The next two pics are views from just outside the library....

Frederick Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park hosted us a couple of times recently. I love speaking there! Here we are all set up and ready to make some hand rolled beeswax candles after the presentation.


I love to see it when librarians set out books related to what we are speaking about and here are some honey bee books for patrons to parooz.

 At another library here. What a thrill to speak about something I so much enjoy. Honey Bees!

On one of our walks I found poison ivy. No big news there. I find it all over the place and am often telling my wife not to get too far off the road because, "that's all poison ivy over there". In this case, I found poison ivy growing out of a rock! Pretty amazing. In the second pic my finger is pointing to the area where the plant originates....from the middle of the rock.

We have enjoyed the foliage from our hydrangea plant for the 22 years we have lived at our home. This year, for the first time, it is blooming! Just one blossom, but hey, after 22 years, it's a big deal to me!

While at Lake Michigan, I found a dead fish in the water. When I got close I saw it was a big carp. 

I have started speaking about the basics of fishing. In this pic you see an ice fishing tip-up and a swimming toy that I used to simulate a pike to show how to hold it properly along with other show and tell items. Plus, my fishing poles are lined up in the background. I used them to demonstrate the various types of fishing.

It's cucumber time of year. I have not usually cared much for cukes. This year, I like them more than ever before. My parents' garden has been producing some beauties and they are mild and quite delicious. My wife makes awesome pickle relish with cucumbers, too. This pic shows a bowl full of shredded cukes ready for relishing (pun intended).

 We are so blessed to have Lake Michigan and its beauty nearby. Thank you for reading my blog.


1 comment:

  1. Good to see the beauty in Michigan. What a glorious summer , the summer of 2022.


A True Fish Story and More

Okay, folks, this is a story that I would find hard to believe. But, it happened to me! And now....the rest of the story. (I miss Paul Harve...